
ShelterLyrics:Ifindshelterinthisway/Undercover,hideaway/AndcanyouhearwhenIsay?/Ihaveneverfeltthisway/MaybeIhavesaidsomething ...,Shelter(originallybyThexx)IfindshelterinthiswayUndercover,hideawayCanyouhearwhenIsayIhaveneverfeltthiswayMaybeIhadsaid ...,SHELTER防空洞歌詞-Birdy柏蒂-(originallybyThexx)IfindshelterinthiswayUndercover,hideawayCanyouhearwhenIsayIhaveneverfeltthisway ...,Shelter-歌詞-...


Shelter Lyrics: I find shelter in this way / Undercover, hideaway / And can you hear when I say? / I have never felt this way / Maybe I have said something ...

Shelter 歌詞Birdy ※

Shelter (originally by The xx) I find shelter in this way Under cover, hide away Can you hear when I say I have never felt this way Maybe I had said ...

SHELTER 防空洞- Birdy

SHELTER 防空洞歌詞- Birdy 柏蒂- (originally by The xx) I find shelter in this way Under cover, hide away Can you hear when I say I have never felt this way ...


Shelter-歌詞- I find shelter in this way Under cover, hide away Can you hear when I say I have never felt this way Maybe I had said something .


Shelter歌詞- Birdy 柏蒂I find shelter in this way Undercover, hideaway Can you hear when I say? I have never felt this way Maybe I have said something that ...

第十五台小徑車。Birdy Race Disc。心動

第十五台小徑車。Birdy Race Disc。心動
